Authority search results

Showing 1 of about 1 results
Authorized headings Type of heading Biblio records Full heading
Nombre geográfico:
Europa oriental
see also:
Balcanes (Broader heading)
Europa (Broader heading)
Federación de rusia (Broader heading)
Albania (Narrower heading)
Belarus (Narrower heading)
Bielorrusia rss (Narrower heading)
Bulgaria (Narrower heading)
Hungría (Narrower heading)
Polonia (Narrower heading)
República checa (Narrower heading)
República de moldova (Narrower heading)
República democrática alemana (Narrower heading)
República eslovaca (Narrower heading)
Rfcs (Narrower heading)
Rumania (Narrower heading)
Ucrania (Narrower heading)
Ucrania rss (Narrower heading)
Urss (Narrower heading)
Nombre geográfico 4 biblios View full heading
Grupo Gestión Documental y Biblioteca
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